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Bucuresti: NID AUX NOBLES – canisa


My first GSP with a gold temperament came at the half of 1995:he is CORB.Yet after only a few shows with him I was booked.Also, I started to go at hunting .He is my big boy and I will love him forever ! Now, Corb have 9

Bucuresti: ALTAMIRA – canisa


“ALTAMIRA” este o canisa mica de shar-pei din Romania.Am inceput sa cresc shar-pei din ianuarie 2002.Scopul meu este acela de a creste caini sanatosi cu un temperament echilibrat.”CANISA ALTAMIRA” produce pui s

Brasov: DYNAVIT – hrana pentru animale


Alimentatia animalelor de casa este o problema de incredere.
Meritam increderea dumneavoastra cu cei 40 de ani de experienta si cunostinte de specialitate in acest domeniu. Fiind experti in domeniul alimentatiei sana

Bucuresti: EARS N’NOSES – canisa


Ears N’Noses is a small kennel located in Bucharest – Romania, recognized by the FCI in 2001.

Owner: Daniela Constantin

Tel. 0040-740639063

e-mail: earsnnoses@bl

Bucuresti: CASA IVAN KENNEL (I) – canisa


In the course of time a lot of puppies passed through our hands but only in 2000 we decided to ask for a kennel name. We wanted our family name to be connected to kennel’s name as a prove that the quality is our first

Bucuresti: INNOVET – hrana pentru animale


SC INNOVET IMPEX SRL a fost infiintata in anul 1995
Dorinta de a oferi animalelor de companie tot ceea ce au nevoie a determinat infiintarea la inceput a unei clinici, apoi a unui pet shop ajungand astfel ca in

Bucuresti: CHOWPERSA – canisa


O veche legenda tibetana spune ca atunci cand Dumnezeu a creat cerul un catel a lins cateva picaturi albastre cazute pe pamant. Asa a ajuns Chow-Chow sa aiba limba de culoarea cerului.