Terrierul negru rusesc30 11 2005 Aceasta rasa rara este una de marime medie spre mare, robusta si puternica, cu un sistem nervos foarte stabil. Mare, puternic, stabil si alert. acestea sunt cuvintele care caracterizeaza cel mai bine acest caini.
Cluj: BLACK TURK – canisa31 10 2005 www.blackturk.com Hello dear rottweiler-lovers.Finally you found us on the World Wide. BLACK TURK is a rottweiler kennel that is based on a very long and hard work. The selection of the bloodlines is one of the most impor
Cluj: BLACK ROTTHMANS – canisa31 10 2005 http://blackrotthmans.webalias.com Hello dear rottweiler friends and welcome to our online home. “Black Rotthmans” was born in 2000 as a result of our passion in this greatest breed – Rottweiler. We hope that yo
Brasov: CASA BUCUR – canisa31 10 2005 http://rotty.rdsbv.ro Numele noastre sunt Simona si Ciprian Bucur. Locuim in Brasov si suntem membri ai Asociatiei Chinologice “PRO CANIS” a judetului Brasov, Asociatiei Chinologice Romane si ai Clubului Roman de Rottweiler si incepand cu